MANS requested from Minister of Interior to provide Commission members with relevant information on granting Montenegrin citizenship to Shinawatra


jusufYesterday MANS requested from Minister of Interior, Mr. Jusuf Klamerovic, to as Vice president of the National Commission for monitoring the Action Plan for the Fight against corruption and organized crime, provide Commission members with relevant information on granting Montenegrin citizenship and issuance of passports to former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

President of the Commission, Ms. Gordana Djurovic, has previously stated that, after the Government adopts a new operational plan to meet requirements of the Road Map, National Commission will be in position to about the visa process liberalization. In this regard, we believe that the information and documentation regarding the Shinawatra case held by Kalamperović, could represent a good starting point and preparation for discussion on the following Commission session.

MANS asked from Kalamperovića to present Commission with information on procedure of issuing the passport, including information on who suggested that passport should be issued to Shinawatra who is finally charged with corruption and banned entrance into EU countries.

Having in mind that Montenegrin Ministry of Foreign Affairs already confirmed that Shinawatra was not granted passport in Montenegro consular offices in New York and Frankfurt, and that Police Directorate also confirmed that Shinawatra did not cross the Montenegro border, MANS is also asking from Kalamperovic to explain where he was issued a passport, and whether there was also violations of the formal procedures.

thaksin_shinawatraPreviously MANS requested from Kalamperović to initiate the process of revoking Shinawatra’s passport, so the next Commission session will be an opportunity for him to elaborate about the progress of that procedure. In addition to that, MANS demanded from Kalamperovića to immediately and without any delay initiate internal investigation within Ministry of Interior and identify individuals who violated the Law on Montenegrin Citizenship, but so far we did not receive any kind of response from Mr. Kalamperovic.

Therefore, we expect that Kalamperovic will introduce Commission members with all initiated activities for solving the Shinawatra case, even in case they are marked as state secret, because Rules of Procedures of the National Commission is defining that all members have the right to obtain all information relevant to coordination of the fight against corruption and organized crime, as well as the obligation to keep information that are marked as secret.

In addition, we believe that it is important that Mr. Kalamperović, in capacity of Minister and Vice President of the National Commission, inform the Commission members about details of his meeting with representatives of the European Commission related to fulfillment of criteria for visa liberalization, as members so far posses only information that were published in media.

Commission Rules of Procedures is defining that members can request from responsible institutions to provide them with relevant information on issues discussed by the Commission. Therefore, there is not a single obstacle preventing Kalamperovic from providing requested information to Commission.

Since Supreme State Prosecutor so far did not reacted ex-officio in case of Shinawatra, in the following period MANS will consider filing criminal appeal against several public officials and servants of the Ministry of Interior who violated the law and issued the passport to Shinawatra.


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